Overcome Evil With Good

"Be The Change You Want To See In The World" Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I Know

Done little bo  peeps,  Done low jo  heeps,  Done in the days of mud,  Done in the skittles of crud, Done in the washer and dryer,  Done in the coffin and crier, Done in the back street store,  Done in the telling me more,  Done in the why so thin, Done in the do it again,  Done in sweet so smell,  Done in you selling me hell, 
I know about the bills to pay,  I know about the its ok,  I know about the cards being dealt,  I know about the hearts being felt,   I know about the guess and gander,  I know about the goose and slander,  I know about crack so high,  I know about stacks of sighs,  I know about life on a limb,  I know about you cut it off again,  I know about twist and turn,  I know about swish and burn,  I know about crap undone,  I know about smack and come,
I know the jock straps tight,  I know the woman's all right,  I know the wind is blow-in, I know the charts are slow-in, I know the waters down, I know the air is foul, I know the clock strikes 8: , I know the time is late, I know the crew is sound, I know the day goes down, I know the life is getting tuff, I know the game is played in the ruff, I know the hearts of some fail, I know the starts of this wail,
I got a something that I 'd like to say, Before you go and blow it all away, I have nothing and feels alright, You have nothing and you start a fight, I have a woman and its all fair game, You have a woman and its not the same, You have a father and he's not so well, I am a father being sent to hell, Brake n my stuff is not the way to learn, Its only makes you more a step to burn, I know about-- as a rhyme so tells, You know me nothing my decline so shall,
You have a brain you see it there on top, That's just your head the caps don't stop, The caps up there the brains inside, And way up high its dark and scarified, Its like I' am there be don't just hat be, Our hearts are marry, Emotion going, Don't stop an show um, The farts are flow-in, This time I' am goin,
Oh wait the moneys not flow-in, You ain't - stop going away, You going to burn and stay, You just a pup don't get ruffed up, Let the canines do the main lines, Stop with your show-in we don't know where your going, You tuff me not, You scared suck squat, Me here just fine no life to unwind, Can't stay can't go, Do it yourself then you will show,
Just rebuild Gods way - we'll join in and have a stay, That's funny – I haven't – seen what !
You haven't seen God sitting on a pot ? Stand-in here Stand-in fine, God just directing you to unwind, Just rebuild put your card in and make a place wheres we can dig in again, Take my song give it a whirl, And don't forget --- take my girl,
You got it all you want the HIDDEN, Go to God you might not be FORBIDDEN, Not your man at the corner street, Not the suit that gives me the creeps, To the creator of heaven and hell the blue sky and fine sea shells, Our hearts are there don't dis-pare,Will have a good time show-in we care,
We all have a brain stem its safe to say, Some move on up and begin to stay, Explorings not easy and some say unsafe, Its not that bad, If you move up with lace, Its not magic, its not sly of hand, Its just good liven the best you can, The supernatural I would say is True,But most of this is between Me and You!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Just Believe

Hang-in around with my brothers and my cuz.  Doing a little fish-in at a dry lake in the mud.    When up pops a whale that took down half my tree.  You'd have to been there seen it cause its to big to believe!    The rest of the guys well they began to shout!  I thought I was in trouble so I had to skate on out.     So just don't go a swimmin in the mud.  There might just be a creature in that crud!    Now taken the feel-in that you can know so well.  And just be reel-in the things you know as swell.       Keep-in with tradition of the story as its sold.   You have to have a reason more than life so is told.    An if you keep your head up and your feel-ins in their place!  You might just find believe-n is believe-n in its Ace!    The other side of the rainbow isn't quite so hard to see.  Just keep on a tug-in an the rainbow won't even be!    The poverty is within you, Yes the matter is within.  The fact that you been duped is but an average way to win.    So look for silver linings in the stormy clouds of doubt.  And rest assured your way is through and not the round about.     Say why don't God just do something before things get so whacked.  Well hows about you grab a tool and give yourself a crack.    Wasn't all that long ago that Martin Luther King and also John Fitzgerald Kennedy and some-wares in between.  Said hay now lets get it in gear and rise ourselves up. The path to havin something better is not off way above.